What's App

Below is a copy of the What's App rules, policies and guidelines.
Amble Photo Group

What's App rules, policies and guidelines

"APG What’s App”


This APG whats app is intended as a means of communicating with other members of the Amble Photographic Group whilst out on day trips or photo shoots for informational purposes. It is also a way to ask open questions. The Whats App is NOT intended to be the primary source of organisational announcements and information. Such information will be sent out via email. Please remember that this What’s app is not the platform for expressing opinion, unless asked to provide feedback. We are all here to help each other and keep each other informed, not vent and undermine each other.

Please respect the purpose of the APG Whats App as well as the rules below.

RULES and POLICIES: (subject to change)

1. Please use common sense.
2. Always be respectful and polite.
3. Never EVER use the whats app to berate someone else or air grievances. If you have an issue address it with a member of the committee.
4. When replying to a specific comment from a person, use the "reply” function to make sense of your comment and avoid confusion.
5. Content shared on APG whats app is for its members only and should not be shared with any third party unless otherwise specified by the administrator.